Young Adult Ministry
Our world today is brimming with young people of talent, vision and energy. Their possibilities for interaction and learning, as well as for making a contribution to a better world, are enormous, even more so today with the opportunities of the internet.
Our work with young people ranges from ministry to youth on the margins to educational work in schools and universities. We journey with young people who are homeless and suffering. Our work also includes retreats targeted specifically at the need and aspirations of the young. We offer vocational discernment to help young people discover where God is calling them. Their contribution to building a new world is needed.
Ignatian Spirituality is a spirituality of journey, of positivity; of discovery and so it speaks directly to young people today. Most Provinces and Regions of the Society of Jesus offer spirituality programmes for young people. God speaks to each one of us in a unique and personal way. We want to help young people discover God in a personal and passionate way and to commit themselves to work as Jesus did, helping all to become brothers and sisters of each other, sons and daughters of the Father.
Through interacting with young people, we come to appreciate new perspectives. Young people, in turn, learn from us how to reflect in a Gospel manner and are helped to find God and to hear God’s voice.
For an example of the work of the Eucharistic Youth Movement, click here.
For a report on our Magis youth initiatives during 2016 World Youth Day, click here and here.
Click here for the Synod on young people.
Youth Ministry Coordinator [Fr. Jesus Vivian Raja SJ : 9545858207]
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Youth – Creators of a Hope-Filled Future
The Pune Jesuit Youth Ministry team and St. Sebastian Parish Youth organized a half-day gathering for 120 youth on November 28, 2021, at Loyola School, Pashan. Fr. Vivian Raja began the session with a talk on the theme of Hope. Each youth was invited to write a cherished virtue or value on an altar cloth, that was placed as a prayer offering on the altar. During the Eucharist, Fr. Agnelo gave the youth some questions to ponder on and share in spiritual conversation, to help them prepare meaningfully for the season of Christmas.
The youth participated enthusiastically in the activities. Oistin John, St. Vincent's Junior College, expressed his gratitude, saying, “The precious teachings will definitely give me more courage to face life's challenges.” For Claudine Joseph, St. Xavier's Church, Camp, the Eucharist and life-sharing experiences were treasured moments: “We learned a lot about the Advent season and Christmas. The theme 'Hope' was very well presented.
Steve Paul, St. Sebastian Church, NDA, joyfully shared, “It was a great experience for me to organize the youth event; and a wonderful learning experience which has infused confidence to conduct and organize for more events to come.” The youth look forward eagerly to get involved in more such gatherings.
The Pune Jesuit Youth Ministry team thanks Fr. Agnelo Mascarenhas, Fr. Francis D'Souza, Fr. Anish K, Fr. Francis Patekar, Fr. Joseph D'Souza, Ms. Braganza, Celine, Yashica, and Linette for encouraging and accompanying the youth. A big thanks to the Parish Council and youth of St. Sebastian Church, NDA, for taking care of the food and logistic arrangements.